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Please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments regarding our site and services. And don't forget to check back often. is dedicated to providing timely, cost effective, innovative and quality solutions!

With credentials of over 29 years professional experience in system design and software development, along with countless books and articles in accredited trade publications, our clientele are assured a 100% satisfaction guarantee!

Required Dependencies :
jQuery JavaScript Libraryv1.9.1
jQuery UI Javascript Libraryv1.8.4
jQuery UI Style Sheet Libraryv1.9.2

jQuery Stock Ticker Files :

Copyrights & Licenses :
All dependencies and files listed above are included in the Bitbenderz jQuery Stock Ticker package and are copyrighted by their individual authors and/or foundations and are released under one or both of the MIT & GPL licenses.

jQuery Stock Ticker Features :
  • No API Keys
  • No Monthly Fees
  • Live Quote Updates *
  • Scroll Direction Control
  • Scroll Speed Control
  • Scroll Pause/Play Control
  • Configurable Stock Symbols
  • Definable Ticker Fields
  • Assorted Charting for Ticker Symbols
  • White Label Branding

* Live Quote Updates :
All quotes & charts are obtained through various 3rd Party web services and may be delayed as much as 20 minutes. jQuery Stock Ticker!
Bitbenderz jQuery Stock Ticker provides nearly complete coverage of all major North American Exchanges and ECNs, including common stock, preferred stock, options, warrants, futures, commodities, currencies, mutual funds, UITs/ETFs, rates and indices in a scrolling ticker style element for you web page.

Most notable is that the jQuery Stock Ticker by does not require the need for any 3rd party API keys and thereby the data is delivered free of charge! That's right no monthly fees, no membership dues, nothing ... $0.00!

Insomuch as version 2.0.3 will only support a single ticker per web page, it does not conform to the strict definition of a jQuery plugin. However, further development is planned to remedy this shortfall in the near future. Nonetheless, the jQuery Stock Ticker by is designed around the jQuery Javascript and jQuery UI Javascript Libraries.

Legal Mumbo Jumbo :
Data is provided for your convenience, and use of such data and any reliance upon any materials, including any action taken by you because of such use or reliance, is at your sole discretion and risk. Neither nor Information Providers, licensors, employees, distributors or agents is responsible or liable for, or makes any representations or warranties as to: Any representations, promises, recommendations or inducements that may be made by or through any party (including vendors) found at, on, through or from the data; the timeliness, accuracy, reliability, completeness, legality, copyright compliance or decency of the data or any materials; any inaccuracy, omission, error or delay in the data or any materials; nonperformance of or interruption in the data or any materials due to: (i) any act or omission by any disseminating party; (ii) any "force majeure" (i.e., flood; riot; labor dispute; accident; action of government; communications, transmissions or power failure; equipment, systems or software malfunctions) or any other cause beyond the control of any disseminating party; or (iii) outages, transmission quality or malfunctions of telephone circuits or computer systems, including, but not limited to, any defects or failures with respect to your software, computer systems or Internet access provider; the quality of the data or any materials (including the results to be obtained from use of them); or any loss resulting from, arising out of, or related to your access and/or use of or interaction with the data or materials.

White Label Branding :
jQuery Stock Ticker (ver: 2.0.3)
© 2007 - 2013
Contact : [email protected]

Except where otherwise noted or implied, owns legally and beneficially all the intellectual property rights of the content contained herein (including without limitation the text, computer code, artwork, photographs, images, music, audio material, video material and audio-visual material) and in the software used therein. Intellectual property rights include, without limitation, copyrights and database rights in the information displayed and search results which are extracted from a compilation owned by grants to you a worldwide non-exclusive royalty-free revocable license to view material contained herein on a computer or mobile device via a web browser; copy and store the material contained herein in your web browser cache memory; and print pages from it for your own personal and non-commercial use.

For the avoidance of doubt, you must not adapt, edit, change, transform, publish, republish, distribute, redistribute, broadcast, rebroadcast or show or play in public the material contained herein (in any form or media) without prior written permission.

All quotes & charts are obtained through various 3rd Party web services and may be delayed as much as 20 minutes.

Ticker Symbol Charts :
Line OHLC Candle

Today 5 Dy 1 Mo 3 Mo 1 Yr

jQuery Stock Ticker Usage :

Instantiation & Markup : Top ▲
<!-- Load Required Dependencies -->
<script src="js/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/jquery.slimscroll.js"></script>
<script src="js/jquery.smoothDivScroll.js"></script>
<link href="css/jquery-ui.css"/>

<!-- Load jQuery Stock Ticker Files -->
<script src="js/jquery.stockticker.js"></script>
<link href="css/jquery.stockticker.css"/>

<!-- Instantiate jQuery Stock Ticker -->
<div class="stockTicker"></div>

jQuery Stock Ticker Options : Top ▲
Keeping with plugin non-conformance, the jQuery Stock Ticker options are applied by setting the data-options attribute in the element's markup with successive options separated by a semi-colon (;) ...

<div class="stockTicker"
data-options = " [option] : [value] ;
[option] : [value] ;
[option] : [value] ;
[option] : [value] "
data-blank = " [value] "
data-brand = " [value] "

defaultSymbols [str] : Top ▲
Comma separated list of stock symbols to fetch at start up @ values  : list of valid stock symbols
@ default : ^DJI, ^NASD, ^NYSE, ^SP500, ^TSX

defaultFields [str] : Top ▲
Comma separated list of stock ticker fields to display at start up @ values  : name, symbol, price, change, volume
@ default : name, price, change

autoScroll [bool] : Top ▲
Automatically scroll ticker at start up @ values  : true, false
@ default : true

throttle [int](ms) : Top ▲
Number of miliseconds to recall quote list @ values  : valid integer
@ default : 300000

jQuery Stock Ticker Advanced Options : Top ▲
Along with the data-options attribute, there are two separate attributes used for setting advanced options. data-blank and data-brand are each strings whose values define the jQuery Stock Ticker's display of specific criteria ...

<div class="stockTicker"
data-options = " [option] : [value] ;
[option] : [value] ;
[option] : [value] ;
[option] : [value] "
data-blank = " [value] "
data-brand = " [value] "

data-blank [str] : Top ▲
Ticker display if response from symbol query is null or blank @ values  : valid string (including markup)
@ default : blank string
@ example ...
data-blank="<span class='tickerSymbol' data-symbol='N/A'><span class='tickerName'>jQuery Stock Ticker by</span></span>"

data-brand [str] : Top ▲
White Label Branding to display when Ticker About button clicked @ values  : valid string (including markup)
@ default : see White Label Branding on the left of this page
@ example ...
<msgItem value='aboutMe' headerText='About'>
<img src='images/avatar.png' />
<span>jQuery Stock Ticker (ver: 2.03)</span>
<span>© 2011 - 2013</span>
<span>Contact : [email protected]</span>

Ticker Menu : Top ▲
When the mouse cursor is positioned over the jQuery Stock Ticker, a row of menu buttons appears over the right side of the element. Each ticker menu button, when clicked, performs a pre-defined function.

Change Directions : Top ▲
When clicked ... changes scrolling direction of the jQuery Stock Ticker.

Increase Speed : Top ▲
When clicked ... increases scrolling speed of the jQuery Stock Ticker.

Decrease Speed : Top ▲
When clicked ... decreases scrolling speed of the jQuery Stock Ticker.

Pause : Top ▲
When clicked ... pauses scrolling of the jQuery Stock Ticker.

Play : Top ▲
When clicked ... continues scrolling of the jQuery Stock Ticker.

Stock Ticker Options : Top ▲
When clicked ... displays a dialog for setting the jQuery Stock Ticker options such as ticker fields to display, and stock symbols to fetch.

About jQuery Stock Ticker : Top ▲
When clicked ... displays a dialog whose content was previously defined by the data-brand setting.

Ticker Symbol Charts : Top ▲
Clicking on any Ticker Symbol Zone (between separators •), will display a dialog with assorted charts for that symbol. An example of the available charts can be seen to the left or by clicking ... Example Chart.

Instantiate Countdown Timer
from default 1 hour

<div class="countDownTimer"></div>
Instantiate Countdown Timer
from 32 hours, 15 minutes, 59 seconds

<div class="countDownTimer"
data-options="format:'HMS'; from:'+32h +15m +59s'"
© Copyright 2007 - 2013 All Rights Reserved.